Volunteer Spotlight: Staff Sergeant Jordan

Staff Sergeant Jordan

Why do you volunteer? I volunteer because I believe in helping people, and it’s good to share that principle with others. Volunteering makes an impact no matter how big or how small. I want to try to make things better rather than leaving them as they are.

What was your biggest takeaway from volunteering? You get to meet all different kinds of people. The makeup of different people and the comradery you share…you definitely learn a lot. It’s a different feel from normal day to day operations.

What volunteering experience stood out the most? The parents when they were coming to get their gifts during Adopt A Family. It had a major impact on me. When you see parents that can’t provide for their kids, and people are donating their time, labor, and money to help…It made me see things in a different light.

Volunteer experiences: Adopt A Family, selling raffle tickets at the Detroit Red Wings Military Appreciation Night.

Staff Sergeant Jordan is a recruiter for the United States Army. He loves being outside and riding his Harley motorcycle. Staff Sergeant Jordan has gone above and beyond as a volunteer. We appreciate you and are thankful for your service!

Volunteering makes an impact no matter how big or how small. I want to try to make things better rather than leaving them as they are.

Staff Sergeant Jordan