Volunteer Spotlight: Caroline


Why do you volunteer? I’ve always wanted to do some volunteering. When I was working in London, it was difficult and I felt I never had the time and space. After coming here to the U.S., I wasn’t working, and I wanted to use my time in a good way. That’s when I found Volunteers of America Michigan and the website let me sign up for opportunities around my schedule. It was brilliant!

What was your biggest takeaway from volunteering? Working at the veterans center and talking with the different generations of vets and their challenges. We’ll never know what they went through and we’ll never truly understand. My granddad was a veteran. I have so much love and admiration for veterans they deserve all the care and support we can give them.

What volunteering experience stood out the most? Adopt A Family. It will always stay with me. You get so much insight into other people’s realities. Putting faces and names and words to experiences was really moving.

Volunteer experiences: Operation Backpack, Adopt A Family, serving at the Call Sam Kitchen.

Caroline is moving back to Europe with her husband and daughter. She is a history buff and enjoyed her time visiting and learning about different U.S. cities. We wish Caroline all the best and we are so grateful for the time we had with her!

I have so much love and admiration for veterans. They deserve all the care and support we can give them.
