Homeless No More 2016: All Walks of Life

People turn to Volunteers of America Michigan for help, and they turn to us for hope. Homeless No More provides both.

This will be the fifth winter we have gathered to do something on behalf of our vulnerable neighbors. Homeless No More has provided help and hope for thousands.

This is something to celebrate, but there is always more to do. We see this work not as a burden, but a privilege. That's the Volunteers of America way.

The theme of this year's Homeless No More is “All Walks of Life." Last year an average of 16 new people every day walked into our New Hope Day Center, where the path to recovery begins. They represent a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Yet they all share a hope, expressed by this father of four: “I've got a goal and it's to live comfortable and live happily and hope my kids are happy."

Isn't that what we all want? Aren't these the most simple human needs? Homeless No More is our chance to help someone pursue these goals.

Please consider how you can be part of what we do. Join the family. Make a difference.


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