On Friday, August 16, 2019, Volunteers of America Michigan partnered with the Lansing VCAT Region 7 to host the first annual HeroFest. Over 70 vendors came out to show their support for veterans and military families. Resources ranged from health care, to education, to employment and were available side-by-side lining Cooley Law School Stadium.

Rather than sending veterans out to search for resources, we brought them all into one place to make it easier for them. As a community, we are proud to serve those who first served us. 

Ben Marosi, Purple Heart recipient, shared about his experience coming home from his service as well as shed light onto veteran suicide. Ben encouraged fellow veterans to seek out community and to be honest with others about what they were feeling when they come home.

  • Looking for veteran services?

Fun at HeroFest!

Thank you to our sponsors and vendors!