Friday Feature: Stephanie Doud

"Every interaction you have with another person matters. Humanity is about more than getting from point A to point B."

Stephanie Doud

World changer
Stephanie's story

Your name: Stephanie Doud

Your role at Volunteers of America Michigan: Director of Operating Systems Integration.

What brought you to this position? I left college determined to make a difference in the world and began working at a nonprofit focused on water projects in developing countries. Around four years ago, realized that although I loved what I did, if I was going to be truly effective, I needed to make change in my own backyard. That’s when I found Volunteers of America Michigan and their passion and service model won my heart.

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? My biggest takeaway is that struggle affects everyone. It is not uncommon to hear that our clients haven’t told their own family of their situation. Moral injury is real. Every interaction you have with another person matters. Humanity is about more than getting from point A to point B. Take some time to stop, make eye contact, and hear someone’s story. Listen to their heart and I know that their perseverance will inspire you as it has me.

What is your biggest challenge in this position? I get pulled in several directions at the same time, so I often struggle to balance my plate. Thankfully I have a wonderful family here at VOAMI and my coworkers help keep me grounded.

Where is your dream vacation spot? That’s tough as I love to travel and explore new places. I do love being by the water though. Waking up in the morning with a cup of coffee or tea and watching the waves... is there anything better?

What is your favorite book? I have a favorite series written by Tamora Pierce from when I was a kid. My sister used to read them to me and then I would reread them as a way to unwind and escape. They still hold a special spot in my heart.

How do you spend your time outside of the office? Most of my time is spent enjoying time with my one year old son and my husband. We are often spending time with friends and family, going on walks, hanging out in the park, watching MSU football, and working on our house. Nothing too fancy, but we love it.