Friday Feature: Ronda Hall

Family of service
Ronda's story

Your name: Ronda Hall, MS LLPC

Your role at Volunteers of America Michigan: Clinical Case Manager for the Detroit Veterans Housing Program.

What brought you to this position? I love working with our veterans. My uncles are veterans and served during in Vietnam War and my Grandfather served in the United States Navy during World War II.  I have experience working with veterans in transitional housing, so when this opportunity came up almost two years ago, I knew it was the right fit. 

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? It is truly amazing to be able to help veterans identify their barriers and work passed them. I see it as an honor to get to watch them move on and be successful in life.

What is your biggest challenge in this position? My biggest challenge would be not having enough hours in a day.  I get to see so many veterans in each day, and making sure they stay on task with their goals can be challenging.

Where is your dream vacation spot? My ideal vacation spot is Jamaica. I will be traveling there this year, and I can’t wait! 

What is your favorite book? The Bible.

How do you spend your time outside of the office? I love spending time with my Grandson Curtis. I love spending time with family and friends. I love to cook. I love to dance.