Friday Feature: Randi Robinson

Kindness first
Randi's story

Your name: Randi Robinson

Your role at Volunteers of America Michigan: Case manager for the Detroit Veterans Housing Program as well as a Support Services for Veteran Families Service Coordinator.

What brought you to this position? I initially came to Volunteers of America Michigan for a counseling internship. It was an amazing experience. I have since finished my Master’s degree in counseling and was hired full time as a case manager. A few months ago, I was approached with a plan to wear both a case manager hat and a Supportive Services for Veterans Families hat as a way to streamline the services for the veterans. I was all for a position that made life easier for the veterans.

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? Every person deserves love and kindness, it doesn’t matter what your story is. Every person has a story and they deserve to be heard. We have to stop freezing people in time and judging them for their past mistakes. We must meet people where they are and help them to move forward in their lives in a positive way. I have also learned the value of the following quote: “Quiet is peace. Tranquility. Quiet is turning down the volume knob on life. Silence is pushing the off button. Shutting it down. All of it. – Amir.” - Khaled Hosseini

What is your biggest challenge in this position? The biggest challenge I have faced is that I have to remind myself I cannot save the whole world. It is in my nature to want to fix all problems. It has been an emotional roller-coaster at times when I feel like I could have done more but I am quickly reminded by my co-workers that we cannot save the world and reminded of all the others who have had positive outcomes.

Where is your dream vacation spot? I recently went to Hilton Head Island South Carolina and fell in love. The beaches are amazing. I will definitely be going back there.

What is your favorite book? The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb. Actually, I love everything by Wally Lamb. Although the books are fiction, they have non-fiction events and there is a reference page at the back of the book due to all of the research that goes into his stories. Simply amazing.

How do you spend your time outside of the office? My kids! I have a 3 and a 5 year old. They are busy with kindergarten, preschool and activities. I also love going to concerts and spending time with my family “up north”.