Friday Feature: Patrick Lothamer

Working together
Patrick's story

Your name: Patrick Lothamer

Your role at Volunteers of America Michigan: Senior Manager of Veteran Coordinated Services

What brought you to this position? Four years ago, I was working multiple part-time jobs to provide for my family. My neighbor at the time said I should apply for the Service Coordinator position with Volunteers of America Michigan. Since then, I have served more than seven counties and have been promoted to Lead Service Coordinator, then Program Manager, and finally to the position that I have now.

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? I have learned about the amount of resources that are available for the vulnerable population, specifically veterans. There are numerous programs out there and not every person is a fit for every program, but by connecting with the other agencies we can figure out the appropriate program for the need. We all have to work together.

What is your biggest challenge in this position? Time…there never seems to be enough. Trying to stay connected with staff as they are dispersed throughout the state (Muskegon to Detroit and everywhere in between) can be difficult. The goal is to ensure we keep a team approach to our day-to-day work as best as we can so no member of our team feels they are doing this alone. 

Where is your dream vacation spot? A hunting and fishing expedition in Alaska. Unplug from the world while staying in a cabin, enjoying God’s creation.

What is your favorite book? The entire Mitch Rapp series by Vince Flynn.

How do you spend your time outside of the office? Currently home renovations, which has taken much longer than I had anticipated.