Friday Feature: Mya

Paying it forward
Mya's story

Your name: Mya 

Your role at Volunteers of America Michigan: Adopt A Family Program Specialist

What brought you to this position? Twenty-five years ago, during the first year of the program, my daughter and I were fortunate enough to receive help from the Adopt A Family program. I remember receiving wonderful gifts, but one that stood out the most was a beautiful navy wool pea coat that I received. I kept that coat for over ten years because it was so beautifully made, and it kept me warm. The woman that adopted us went above and beyond for my daughter and myself. She treated her as if she was her own granddaughter. I made a promise to myself then, that if I ever had a chance to give back to the program, I would. So here I am, twenty-five years later and I kept my promise by helping families in need through the program.

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? Getting to assist those in need to get the help available to them. Also, the skills that I’ve obtained from this position will help me in my next position. 

What is your biggest challenge in this position? My biggest challenge would be not being able to do more for those in need. 

Where is your dream vacation spot? Destin, Florida or Barcelona, Spain

What is your favorite book? The Rhys Bowen series.

How do you spend your time outside of the office? Cooking, Painting, Photography and going to the movies.