Friday Feature: Maggie Kramer

Extended family
Maggie's story

Your name: Maggie Kramer

Your role at Volunteers of America Michigan: Service Coordinator for Coventry Place Apartments and Heritage Park Senior Village

What brought you to this position? As a social worker, I always thought I wanted to work with children and youth. However, after doing an internship at the Alzheimer’s Association, I fell in love with working with senior citizens. I saw an ad for a position working as a service coordinator for a senior housing facility but did not realize it was with Volunteers of America Michigan. After seven and a half years with the organization and my residents, I would never want to work anywhere else. 

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? I didn’t know it was possible to have a job you love so much that it doesn’t feel like work at all. My residents have become an extension of my family and vice versa. They know my kids and even consider them a part of their family too. I keep an open door policy, and very seldom is a resident not visiting me or catching up on how things are going. We are a very close community and you can really feel that when you are at our facilities. 

What is your biggest challenge in this position? My biggest struggle is not taking my work home with me. Since I am a worrier by nature, it’s hard not to worry about the challenges my residents face after hours. I feel like I am always running a check list in my mind of what they might need that week.  

Where is your dream vacation spot? Islamorada in the Florida Keys.

What is your favorite book? I don’t read many books, but rather articles and such online. I spend a lot of time reading about coping with loss and grief. If I had to name a book, I would say “Hello from Heaven!” by Bill & Judy Guggenheim.  

How do you spend your time outside of the office? I spend my time with my significant other, my daughters, and my dogs.