Friday Feature: Kathleen Erickson

"There are many visionaries here. The ability to see what is, as well as what it can become. There is a hopefulness that sets the tone for the organization."

Kathleen Erickson

Visionary work
Kathleen's story

Your name: Kathleen Erickson

Your role at Volunteers of America Michigan: Board Liaison and Executive Assistant.

What brought you to this position? My first experience was as a volunteer. My family and I volunteered to serve a Thanksgiving meal in Lansing. Later, I learned about an opening for temporary position from a friend of VOAMI, who told me that the CEO is a visionary. That piqued my interest, so I applied and was offered the temporary job. 11 years later, I’m still here!

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? I like working with visionaries! There are many visionaries here. The ability to see what is as well as what it can become. There is a hopefulness that sets the tone for the organization.

What is your biggest challenge in this position? Staying connected with those we serve. It’s too easy to sit at my desk completing work. Visiting our programs, meeting our clients and getting to know my colleagues is what keeps me motivated.

Where is your dream vacation spot? My ideal vacation is one that involves adventure and discovery. That can happen in an infinite number of spots.

What is your favorite book? I always have a book of poetry on my night stand. A standard favorite is “The Gift” by the Sufi poet Hafiz

How do you spend your time outside of the office? Family, friends, riding my bike, long walks, art, storytelling, theater, star-gazing, chocolate.

I’ve also been involved with various healing work, including rites of passage and initiation for young girls, teens and women. Most recently my interests are leading to End of Life Doula work.