Friday Feature: John Eynon

Work worth doing
John's story

Your name: John Eynon

Your role at Volunteers of America Michigan: Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Manager

What brought you to this position? There’s a quote from Teddy Roosevelt that I’ve adopted as a personal motto: “Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”  As a veteran myself, I feel like helping my fellow veterans certainly qualifies as work worth doing. 

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? I never realized the extent to which the deck is stacked against individuals who fall into homelessness and extreme poverty in the United States. Volunteers of America Michigan and other nonprofit organizations provide invaluable services, however, society needs to do better for those who exist in the margins.

What is your biggest challenge in this position? Jamie Hennessy. She is an incredible member of our team, and continually challenges me to be a better manager. 

Where is your dream vacation spot? I’d love to go back to Japan, I was stationed there in the Air Force and really enjoyed my time there.

What is your favorite book? “The Hydrogen Sonata” by Ian M. Banks.

How do you spend your time outside of the office? I live in Jackson with my wonderful husband, Scott, and our two cats.