Friday Feature: Jill Holling

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Jill's story

Your name: Jill Holling

Your role at Volunteers of America Michigan: Administrative Assistant - Housing Management

What brought you to this position? A friend told me about an open position with Volunteers of America Michigan and recommended that I join the organization. After working here over the last five years, I find it amazing how many people have so much and how many people still have so little in this world. My experiences here have made me realize and appreciate all that I have. I came here for a job and ended up with a great work family.

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? My biggest takeaway would be seeing the direct impact of what we do and how it helps our clients.

What is your biggest challenge in this position? I worked in management and the customer service industry for almost 30 years before coming to Volunteers of America Michigan. When I started in my position, I had to learn the housing industry from the ground up. I saw the challenge as an opportunity and am so grateful for all I have learned.

Where is your dream vacation spot? Anywhere I can find sand, water, and sun!

How do you spend your time outside of the office? My 15-year-old son, who plays high school and travel soccer keeps me very busy. I love anything outdoors, especially if it involves lake time. In the summer months, I become one with my paddle-board. I have great friends and family that I enjoy spending time and traveling with. I am thankful that they love the outdoors and a new adventure as much as I do.

"I came here for a job and ended up with a great work family."

Jill Holling