Friday Feature: Jeff Houpt

"My biggest takeaway is the ability to help families and individuals in difficult times in their lives. It gives me happiness to give my son a good example to learn from."

Jeff Houpt

A part of something bigger
Jeff's story

Your name: Jeff Houpt

Your role at Volunteers of America Michigan: Call Center Specialist for the Adopt A Family Program.

What brought you to this position? I volunteered with the Adopt A Family Program last Christmas in a couple different ways. I also participated in events to raise funds for Volunteers of America Michigan’s veteran programs. I wanted to be a part of it again this year and when I learned of the position available I was excited to apply.

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? The ability to help families and individuals in difficult times in their lives. It gives me happiness to give my son a good example to learn from. Also the ability to help others and receive a smile from someone that receives Christmas from a sponsor and know that you have made a difference in someone’s life.

What is your biggest challenge in this position? Not being able to help everyone.

Where is your dream vacation spot? Some place warm and near the water.

What is your favorite book? “Kane and Able” by Jeffrey Archer.

How do you spend your time outside of the office? Spending time with my son and teaching him new things. I also spend a lot of time with friends and family.