Friday Feature: Greg Fronizer

"My favorite part of my job is the staff I serve with. We are incredibly lucky to have some of the most dedicated staff in the nonprofit industry."

Greg Fonizer

A lasting impression
Greg's story

Your name: Greg Fronizer

Your role at Volunteers of America Michigan: I am the Chief Financial Officer.

What brought you to this position? In 2010, I was working for Ann Arbor SPARK as the Chief Financial Officer. Our staff at SPARK decided to adopt a family through the Volunteers of America Michigan Adopt A Family program. It was a great experience as I witnessed firsthand the joy of giving everyone at SPARK felt with this program. You could say it made a strong impression. In 2014, I came across an advertisement that Volunteers of America Michigan was looking for a new CFO. From my first meeting with Alex (the CEO), I knew it was the perfect fit.

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? My favorite part of my job is the staff I serve with. We are incredibly lucky to have some of the most dedicated staff in the nonprofit industry. Everyone is focused on the mission of serving our clients. Whether you are in administration or in direct service, we are all playing a part to make sure our clients are served. We are fortunate to get the joy of serving others while also making a living to support our families.

What is your biggest challenge in this position? Volunteers of America Michigan is a deceptively complicated agency. Our various lines of service remind me of 5+ different nonprofits merged into one! It provides healthy challenges every day and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Where is your dream vacation spot? My family took a Carnival cruise a few years ago and we stopped at Turks & Caicos. I did not know anything about the country or islands before going. Grand Turk was amazing! It was one of the best days with my family and will always be one of my favorite memories.

What is your favorite book? Truthfully – not much of a book person. I’m better with numbers. I will always recommend the Bible.

How do you spend your time outside of the office? Greg’s Taxi Service – my son is 13 years old and plays travel soccer. You will generally see me on the weekends driving to one of his games. Anything to get him off the Xbox!