Friday Feature: Enrique Flores

Your name: Enrique Flores

Your role at Volunteers of America Michigan: Maintenance Supervisor at McDonald Senior Apartments

What brought you to this position? Almost fifteen years ago I was looking for a job and found a part-time position with Volunteers of America Michigan. Since I was supporting a family, I wasn’t sure if I could stay, but after a year it became a full time position. I was really enjoying the work that I was doing and formed relationships with the seniors. So much so, that my wife and I ended up moving our children’s bus stop to the facility and the seniors would watch them until it was time for me to go home. They became a part of our family.

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? My relationships and memories with our seniors. You get to know the residents so well being with them every day and even though you might not always see things the same way, you still love them.

What is your biggest challenge in this position? My biggest challenge is that I get very attached to our residents. When they leave our facility, whether they pass away or move out, I have a hard time; like I have lost a member of my family.

Where is your dream vacation spot? Florida, so I can jump into the ocean.

What is your favorite book? “The Indian in the Cupboard” by Lynne Reid Banks. It is one of the only books I remember reading as a kid. Now that I have three boys, I read a lot more with them, but this book will always stand out to me.

How do you spend your time outside of the office? My kids. Since my wife and I have had our three boys, my whole life has changed. I wouldn’t know what to do without them.