Friday Feature: Emmanuel Turner

Something more
Emmanuel's story

Your name: Emmanuel Turner

Your role at Volunteers of America Michigan: Senior Staff Accountant 

What brought you to this position? During the mini recession of 2008, I was out of work and looking for a steady job. Facing homelessness, any job would do, but I was really hoping I would find one that I enjoyed. When I found Volunteers of America Michigan, I knew I found the perfect fit. I loved the mission of helping the underserved and applied to join their finance team. Since starting here, I’ve been able to be a part of something much larger than I am. And now, ten years later, I am still thankful for that opportunity.

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? I started my position with Volunteers of America Michigan during a scary time in my life. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to pay my rent and was lucky enough to find a job that I not only love doing (working with numbers), but what I do is a piece of something so much more. I get to play a role in helping others that are facing challenges just like I did not too long ago. 

What is your biggest challenge in this position? Because I’m not out at our facilities often, my biggest challenge would have to be not being able to see first-hand the hope and opportunity we give to our clients.  

Where is your dream vacation spot? My ideal vacation spot is Jamaica.

What is your favorite book? I am currently taking additional classes at Oakland Community College, so my favorite book is “Fundamentals of Cost Accounting (5th Edition)” by Bill Lanen.  

How do you spend your time outside of the office? Studying for my courses at Oakland Community College.