Friday Feature: Donna Herron

"The biggest take away would be how kind and generous some of the donors can be."

Donna Herron

Doing all you can
Donna's story

Your name: Donna Herron

Your role at Volunteers of America Michigan: Office Assistant/National Car Donations.

What brought you to this position? Almost five years ago now I was seeking full time employment when a friend had mentioned that Volunteers of America Michigan was looking for someone. She raved about the staff and the great working environment

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? The biggest take away would be how kind and generous some of the donors can be.

What is your biggest challenge in this position? I think the biggest challenge is wanting to help each person, but sometimes it is not possible. There are times when a donor will call and need a car towed or a thrift pick up done immediately, for various reasons. Sometimes those reasons break your heart and you want to do as much as you can and whatever you can for them.

Where is your dream vacation spot? A few years ago, my husband and I vacationed in Jamaica, I would love to go back.

What is your favorite book? I am not much of a reader, but I just started reading “The Latte Factor” by David Bach.

How do you spend your time outside of the office? My kids! I have four boys who are all very active in sports and activities.

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