Friday Feature: Denise Cenance

"The Volunteers of America Michigan’s mission to help Michigan’s most vulnerable is probably what drew me to join our family of service in the first place."

Denise Cenance

In the lines
Denise's story

Your name: Denise Cenance

Your role at Volunteers of America Michigan: I am the Housing Compliance Manager.

What brought you to this position? Eight years ago, I was looking to grow in my career. I wanted to explore new opportunities and take on more challenges. I saw the position with Volunteers of America Michigan and thought it would fill all of the criteria. I love what I do.

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? A few things. The Volunteers of America Michigan’s mission to help Michigan’s most vulnerable. It is probably what drew me to join our family of service in the first place. I am also grateful for the relationships I have built over the last eight years. Also, smiling - sometimes just smiling can make someone’s entire day better.

What is your biggest challenge in this position? Since the HUD policies seem to always be changing, my biggest challenge is making sure we are staying in compliance at all times and making sure I communicate how any changes will affect our residents.

Where is your dream vacation spot? New Orleans, Louisiana.

What is your favorite book? My favorite books would be the Sisterhood Series by Michael Ferns.

How do you spend your time outside of the office? I enjoy most of my time outside of work with my family.I have a very large family and we love to travel together. We definitely live by the motto “Family takes care of one another.”