Friday Feature: Dawn Revyn

Answering the call
Dawn's story

Name: Dawn Revyn

Role at Volunteers of America Michigan: Director of Community Housing for Southeast Michigan

What brought you to this position? I have worked in mental health since 2003, where I started with a teen residential facility in Akron, OH. Since then, I worked in an outpatient facility that provided home and school-based services. I also have worked in substance abuse residential facilities, adjudicated youth residential facilities, and have opened partial hospitalization programs throughout Southeast Michigan. I have a degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and continue to provide private practice on the side. I am a state certified supervisor for LLPC’s and provide supervision for individuals working on obtaining their full license.

When I interviewed with Volunteers of America Michigan, I felt that it was my calling to work with the homeless veteran population. I have several veterans in my family and my nephew is currently an active Marine. I believe in the mission of Volunteers of America Michigan and what we represent.

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? Everything! I absolutely love working with the veterans and watching them overcome obstacles to regain independence in their own housing. It feels like a family here. The support that the veterans display and the comradery amongst them keeps me working as hard as I can for them.

What is your biggest challenge in this position? My biggest challenge is my commute to work. But honestly, I am grateful for the opportunity to serve our veterans and I do not see it as a challenge.

Where is your dream vacation spot? Somewhere that is not too hot with beautiful, clear waters and a nice breeze. I really enjoyed Barcelona and would like to travel around Europe more.

What is your favorite book? Viktor Frankl - Man’s Search for Meaning

How do you spend your time outside of the office? My three children keep me incredibly busy! I enjoy cooking almost as much as I love eating and I love spending time making memories with my family.