Friday Feature: Cindy Blair

"It feels good to work for a company that helps those in need."

Cindy Blair

Unending care
Cindy's story

Your name: Cindy Blair

Your role at Volunteers of America Michigan: Staff Accountant

What brought you to this position? A friend referred me to the position. I applied, and I have been here ever since.

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? Since I have worked at Volunteers of America Michigan for over 11 years, I have seen many changes take place in our organization. However, the one thing that always stays constant is our unending care for our clients. So my biggest takeaway from my job, is knowing that so many people are benefiting from our services. It feels good to work for a company that helps those in need.

What is your biggest challenge in this position? Emmanuel Turner. Working together for over ten years, he truly has become one of my best friends. As much as he frustrates me on a daily basis, I wouldn’t want to work with anyone else.

Where is your dream vacation spot? Any place with a beautiful, white, sandy beach and sun.

What is your favorite book? I do not have a favorite book, but my cousin and I read and swap books so we can have discussions about what we read. It is a great way to stay connected.

How do you spend your time outside of the office? My favorite thing to do outside of work is to spend time with the loves of my life... my husband and my 14 year old puppy, named Pepper. We love to go on long walks and enjoy food together.

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