Friday Feature: Chad Forsyth

A heart for service
Chad's story

Your name: Chad Forsyth

Your role at VOAMI: HPOG Program Manager

What brought you to this position? My first interaction with Volunteers of America was in New Orleans, LA when I was an AmeriCorp member, working with homeless veterans in on-the-job training for deconstruction and community development. When I moved back to Michigan in 2012, I was an AmeriCorp member serving the veteran community in Detroit and was recruited by Volunteers of America Michigan for their homeless veterans employment program. I have spent the last five years with the Health Profession Opportunity Grants Program (HPOG) as the Program Manager.

What is your biggest takeaway from working with VOAMI? My team. I have been fortunate enough to work with dedicated team members and leadership. They always have the community and individuals they serve as their top priority.

What is your biggest challenge in this position? My biggest challenge has been understanding that overcoming poverty for families takes years…and that we must be patient with ourselves and those who serve in helping them get there.

Where is your dream vacation spot? Mexico is great, and I have been several times. I would like to visit Spain, Italy and Greece!

What is your favorite book? This is a tough one, as I like a variety of genres. I really enjoy criminal thrillers and historical fiction. If I had to pick a favorite, I would say either Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park, or Erik Larson’s Devil in the White City.

How do you spend your time outside of the office? You might find me on my family farm here in Michigan, or in my local gym. On occasion, I like to go white water rafting out west.