Friday Feature: Carol Holland

A gardner's heart
Carol's story

Your name: Carol Holland

Your role at Volunteers of America Michigan: Administrative Office Coordinator

What brought you to this position? I was working two jobs, at a property management company (where I had been for 25 years) and at a bookstore. Within two years both businesses had closed and I needed to find a new job, but had no idea what I wanted to do. The one thing that I did know was that I wanted to do something that impacted others.

I called a friend and former colleague of mine that was working with Volunteers of America Michigan to see if they had any job opportunities available and she suggested that I send my resume over. Soon after that I started working with the Adopt A Family program, which was only temporary but would help me get my foot in the door for future opportunities. Working with Adopt A Family was an eye opening and humbling experience. There were so many families and seniors that were in need over the holidays, and I was blown away by the generosity and compassion of the families and businesses that adopted those in need.

When the program was coming to a close for the season, a Front Office Coordinator position became available and I applied right away. Seven years later, I am still here. I found my home.

What is your biggest takeaway from working with Volunteers of America Michigan? Everyone has a story. We all just want to be heard and know that someone cares.

What is your biggest challenge in this position? Helping our clients find the services they need if we do not offer a program that would meet their needs.

Where is your dream vacation spot? Off the grid. Somewhere tropical where I can fully experience another culture.

What is your favorite book? The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra.

How do you spend your time outside of the office? Working in my garden feeds my soul. I tend to lose all track of time when I am there. I also love yoga. I feel refreshed when I spend time in prayer and meditation.