After 25 years of service, Board Member, Dave Lemon retires

How long have you been a member of Volunteers of America Michigan? Please also include the month and year that you joined. 25 years, I joined in June, 1995.

Why did you join Volunteers of America Michigan’s board? I was recruited to help stabilize and move the agency forward.

What do you enjoy most about serving on the board? The quality and the variety of services to help Michigan's most vulnerable.

What VOAMI services are you most passionate about? Why? The quality of housing and counseling. Counseling and housing together is hard to find.

What are you most proud of during your time on the board? Achieving stability and seeing all of the positive growth for VOAMI.

How do you define success? Like happiness, success is a state of mind. There are many types of success.

Who inspires you? My children and my grandchildren for their ability to adapt to changing and difficult times.

If you could choose anyone as a mentor, who would you choose? I can't select one. I have been fortunate enough to have many mentors in my life.

What’s something about you that not many people know? I really love cartoons, especially political ones.

What’s the last book you read? "Fear" by Bob Woodward.

What’s the first concert you ever attended? John Denver

If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? A hamburger with lettuce and tomato.

Thank you for everything you have done to serve Michigan's most vulnerable! We are truly better having had you as a part of our VOAMI family.

  • 25 Years

    25 years of continuous board service, beginning July, 1995

  • 25 Years

    Served on the Finance Committee for all 25 years

  • 10 Years

    Chaired the Finance Committee for 10 years

  • 10 Years

    Served as Treasurer for 10 years (2005-2015)

  • 7 Years

    Served on the Governance Committee for 7 years