Mariela's Story

You are helping to break the cycle of poverty

Mariela wanted a better life for her family and was doing everything she could to make it happen. She was working and going to school full-time on top of trying to take care of her family. After almost a year of being stretched to the max, she was feeling burned out. If something didn’t change, Mariela’s goal of becoming a nurse and giving her son a better future would never become a reality.

Mariela was exhausted and stressed out trying to figure out how she could pay for school knowing she needed to make more time for her family. She was in search of an opportunity that could empower her to pursue her dream and set a good example for her daughter.

That’s when Mariela saw a flyer promoting our Health Professions Opportunity Grant Program that could pay for her tuition and help cover the cost of books, childcare, and more. 

She seized the opportunity and enrolled in the program right away. Now that she doesn’t have the constant worry of paying for school, Mariela is able to cut down on her hours working as a CNA and focus on being a mom, wife, and student. 

She is finishing her first year of nursing school and is working towards becoming an RN at a local hospital. Mariela is thankful for the chance to create a brighter future for her family.

You can empower moms and
help them provide for their families!