Kenneth's Story

You helped Kenneth get his life back

Kenneth is a hometown hero from Detroit. He served four years in the United States Marines as a sergeant and worked as a translator for intelligence. After finishing his service, he proudly came home to Detroit.

However, life wasn’t what Kenneth expected it to be when he came back. The effects of his service on his marriage were too much and he and his wife divorced. Adjusting to civilian life and divorce simultaneously became a major struggle.

“I couldn’t acclimate. When I got home I felt like I was in a strange place even though I grew up here. Everything was suddenly foreign to me.”

Kenneth was fortunate to have returned safe after his service, only to come home to be the victim of a senseless crime. Kenneth was shot in the face and lost his eye. He went from fighting for our country to fighting for his life.

“After that, it was downhill. I went from thriving to having almost nothing.”

It took more than a year to recover from his injuries, and the loss of his livelihood left him unable to find safe, affordable housing. For years, Kenneth lived with different friends and family members without having a place to call his own.

When Kenneth realized his current living situation became unsafe, he found shelter at our Detroit Veterans Housing Program. There, Kenneth was able to get the stability and help he needed to start over.

Thanks to you, Kenneth was able to get his life back. He now has his own apartment and is continuing his education to further his career in carpentry. Although life still has its challenges, he knows there are others out there like you who will always have his back.

“I feel like I have a second chance at life.”

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