Gary Conley

Healthcare Navigator for SSVF East

"It means a lot to be able to give back to veterans, because they gave their best to this country, and I think that we should do our best to give back to them."

Gary Conley, United States Amy Veteran

What is your name? Gary Conley 

What is your position with VOAMI? Healthcare Navigator for Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF)

How long have you worked at VOAMI? Since the spring of 2021

How did you find the position – what made you want to apply? The Director of Social Services at the time. It was a chance for me to help veterans through my knowledge of the VA system.

What branch did you serve in? Army

How long did you serve? 24 years

What was your rank? Sergeant First Class/ SFC/E7

What was your job in the service? Human Resource Supervisor. I oversaw the Military Personnel Jacket, awards, and promotions. I was also the Anti-Terrorist NCO, Physical Security Manager, Security Manager.

What does it mean to you to be helping veterans? It means a lot to be able to give back to veterans, because they gave their best to this country, and I think that we should do our best to give back to them.

What has been your favorite part about working at VOAMI? Working with the SSVF Staff. We all have something different to offer.

What is your favorite color? Red

Who is someone you look up to? The hardest working man in my life, my father.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given? My Mother saying that I can’t get all my work done in one day!

What is your biggest challenge? Sometimes, getting people to understand the veteran’s point of view.

Where is your ideal vacation spot? Jamaica, because I enjoy the sunsets and love to relax around the water.

What is your favorite book? The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes and The Holy Bible

What fills your time outside of work? Being with my Family

What are you most proud of in life? My three sons and what they have accomplished in their lives as young men. That makes me feel I did something right.