Arkasha's Story

You helped Arkasha through the hardest seasons of her life

At the age of 16, Arkasha became a mother. She was finishing high school, working part-time, and learning how to raise a child. She left home to remove her daughter from an environment that was unsafe, without a clue of how she would make it.

When Christmas came around, what little money she had went to rent and the electric bill. After basic needs were met, there was nothing left over for food. She knew she couldn’t give her 2-year old daughter, Artavia, the Christmas she deserved.

That’s when Arkasha found Adopt A Family. Soon after, she learned she was expecting her second child. Through the kindness of people like you, she and her daughter not only received all the items they needed, but also she received gifts to prepare her for the arrival of her second daughter. Without the support of those like you, Arkasha’s children would have gone without.

Years later, when she found herself not able to provide for another holiday, you stepped up again. You made sure Artavia, Makalia, and Love did not go without.

Fast forward to now, a mother and a grandmother and looking for a steady career to provide for her family. She began pursing a nursing degree but soon realized financial aid wouldn’t cut it. 

“I would of dropped out of school. I was at my breaking point.”

Through the advice of a fellow classmate, Arkasha found our health professions training program. With the health professions program she has received assistance with tuition, books, transportation, and more.

Although she has had many setbacks in life, it hasn’t stopped her from pushing forward. One day, when Arkasha’s goals become a reality, she plans to give back to programs like Adopt A Family.

When Arkasha needed help the most, you were there. Your generosity over the years has shown your commitment to those in need.

“The family that adopted us years ago has no idea of the effect they had on my children or me, myself being a teen mom with no income.”

YOU can help single moms
like Arkasha today!